Natural Childhood Eczema Treatment
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory condition and is often described as red, itchy, severely inflamed skin. It usually begins in infancy or early childhood and is often associated with a personal or family history of asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) or food allergy. We often refer to these conditions as the allergic triad, for many infants and children with eczema often progress to suffer from allergies and asthma as they get older if the cause of the hyper-reactive immune response isn’t identified and corrected.
In infants, eczema often appears on the cheeks, forehead or scalp and may begin to appear in the first months of life. Children are prone to have the rash at the bend of the elbow joint, wrists, behind the knees and/or behind the ears. Itching, reddening, weeping, scaling, thickening and cracking of the skin characterize areas of atopic dermatitis. Although the physiology of eczema is not fully understood, there are several factors that tend to be present in most cases. These factors include food sensitivities, imbalance in gut flora, decreased levels of anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids, and an overall increased level of inflammation in the body.
Inflammation and Food Allergies and Eczema
Although the physiology of eczema is not fully understood, there are several factors that tend to be present in most cases. These factors include food sensitivities, imbalance in gut flora, decreased levels of anti-inflammatory essential fatty acids, and an overall increased level of inflammation in the body. Identification and avoidance of foods and substances that aggravate symptoms is the first step in healing.
The most common food sensitivities associated with eczema include dairy products, soy, citrus, peanuts, wheat, fish, eggs, corn, and tomatoes.
The initial weakness that results in sensitivities to foods and substances is often centered around the digestive tract. The lining of our digestive tract is home to a balance of bacteria that is often referred to as our gut flora. The proper balance of bacteria creates your body’s first line of immune defense as substances pass through your digestive tract. Reestablishing digestive health and function through the gut flora is critical in the treatment of eczema. Probiotics have become well known for their role in reestablishing the balance of bacteria after a course of antibiotics. Probiotics in addition to several herbs and nutrients also play a key role in improving the digestive function of those suffering from eczema.
A key feature of eczema as seen by the red, irritated nature of the skin is inflammation. Addressing inflammation is also critical in the care of atopic dermatitis. This is done by reducing inflammatory foods, increasing anti-inflammatory foods, and supporting the body with vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids for which it is deficient.
Each case of atopic dermatitis is slightly different in presentation and cause. Naturopathic physicians are trained to identify the factors associated with each individual in order to restore health and prevent the progression of eczema.Naturopathic doctors at Springs Natural Medicine would love to work with you and your family to address your healthcare concerns and questions.